We would like to inform you that on the morning of 28.01.2025, our loyalty programme will be renewed at the same time as our reservation system.
Our registered regulars will automatically be transferred to the new system! Points, spending and bookings collected in the previous system will not be lost, they will be automatically transferred to the new system!
All you have to do is: after 28.01.2025, keep an eye on your mailbox (email), with which you registered for our loyalty program. You will receive an email with a system newsletter where you will need to reset your password, which may be the same as the password you have already set.
This will transfer you to the new system where you can continue to earn points and level up.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 06-52/360-200 or
It is always good to be part of a team, especially a super team.
Thank you for signing up to our hotel's Loyalty Programme!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Thank you for your understanding
Our hotel is closed between 05-11.05.!
Between 2025.05.05-11. due to electrical network renovation our hotel will be closed!
2025.01.06-tól változás
Fontos információ!
Tb által támogatott kezeléseink csak hétfői érkezéssel vehetők majd igénybe 2025.01.06-tól
Magnetoterapie pentru un sistem imunitar sănătos
Terapia BEMER
Departamentul nostru de wellness are un nou serviciu!
Odihna de Wellness, Relaxare
3 zile de relaxare
Sejur răsfățat cu demipensiune, prânz cu supă gratuit!
Relaxare fizică și psihică, plăcere culinară!
Odihnă la Szoboszló
Demipensiune, folosirea departamentului medical și wellness!
Bucurați-vă de ospitalitatea noastră!
1 noapte de relaxare
Demipensiune, folosirea departamentului medical și wellness!
Tratamente in cadrul hotelului!
Vacanta medicala la reducere
Apă tămăduitoare plăcută, serviciu de bufet amplu!