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Mátyás hotel

Beauty salon

Hairdressing salon:

Éva Somogyi self-employed

Appoitment request: Tel: 06-70/63-86-695

Opening hours: 

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 13.00 - 17.00
Wednesday: 13.00 - 17.00
Thursday: 13.00 - 17.00
Friday: 13.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 10.00 - 14.00
Sunday: Closed


Cosmetics works in hotel

Tímea Karacs-Ódor self-employed

Tel: 06-30/99-77-629

Manikur salon:

Viktória Német-Kotyuga self-employed

Appoitment request: Tel: 06-30/845-4499

For more information, appointment:
Mátyás Király Spa & Wellness Hotel
4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Mátyás király sétány 17.
Tel.: +00 36 / 52 360 200


  • Thank you for your understanding

    Our hotel is closed between 05-11.05.!

    Between 2025.05.05-11. due to electrical network renovation our hotel will be closed!

  • Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

    Our loyalty programme is renewed!

    On 28 January, our loyalty program will be updated along with our booking system!

  • 2025.01.06-tól változás

    Fontos információ!

    Tb által támogatott kezeléseink csak hétfői érkezéssel vehetők majd igénybe 2025.01.06-tól

  • Magnetotherapy for a healthy immune system

    BEMER therapy

    Our wellness department has a new service!

  • Wellness, Holiday, Relax

    3 days holiday

    Pampering stay with half board, free soup lunch!

  • Physical and mental relaxation, culinary pleasure!

    Holiday in Szoboszló

    Half-board service, use of the medical and wellness department!

  • Enjoy our kidness!

    1 night relax

    Half-board service, use of the medical and wellness department!

  • Treatments in the hotel!

    Discounted medical holiday

    Pleasant healing water, ample buffet service!

  • Gift voucher

    Gifts experience to your loved ones!
